Saturday, May 22, 2010

C++ string editing?

ok using

#inlcude %26lt;iostream%26gt;


#include %26lt;cstring%26gt;

im wanting to make a program that takes a string you enter and replaces certain characters int he string with spesific other characters

like an ecryptor, but not for that perpous

now i got so far as to have the user enter the string with cin.getline

but i dont know how to have the program read the string and act on it

p.s. im willing to go throgh a tedious proccess of listing the characters and there replacements so all i need to know is how to read the string, and replace spesific characters with other spesific characters




C++ string editing?
Code to iterate thru the string and replace all the

character a with character b

string::iterator It = str.begin();

while ( It != str.end() )


if ( *It == ' a' )

*It = 'b';



Hope this help
Reply:Using character strings (declared like you have, such as char str[N]; or char* str;) makes dipping into the string to deal with individual characters easy, because your string is really an array. So the first letter is at str[0], the second is str[1], and so on. So let's say I wanted to search through my string and replace the letter a with the letter B (and capitalization does matter!). I would write:

int i = 0, n = 5000;

char str[5000];



Read in string



while (i %26lt; n) {

if ( str[i] == 'a' ) str[i] = 'B'; //Note that I used single quotes

i++; //i = i+1;


So if my string was "Apple's are very great!" to start with, it would end up being "Apple's Bre very greBt!".

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