Monday, May 24, 2010

Need help regarding DEV C++?

The problem is like this: I write the code, it works cause the compiling is made right to the end and the software provides me a bonded executable, the thing is the application is a dos one, and when I run it the dos window doesn't stick around long enough to see the result. I have learned I can force it to stick aroun with the 'cin.get();" after the main function, but don't have an example of usage of this cin.get(). Can you give me a working example of this thing that I am talking about.?

Need help regarding DEV C++?
Try running your programs from a DOS prompt instead of from Windows. That way it's running in a window that's already open, and will remain open after program termination. You'll be able to see your output just fine, without having to press a key to finish your program every time.

...or code on Linux ;)

Reply:are you using bloodshed dev c++? maybe you forgot a semicolon or a bracket or something. can you paste your code in details so maybe i can help you debug.

sure email it to me. i enabled it just now :)

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