Saturday, May 22, 2010

C++ Validation, input does not equal a character?

How do I validate that an input is not a character?

For example:

int money

cout %26lt;%26lt; "How many dollars do you have to spend (-1 to exit)? $";

cin %26gt;%26gt; money;

int "money" can be -1 and any other positive integer, but not characters and numbers less than -1. I'm thinking a while loop will do the trick?

C++ Validation, input does not equal a character?
First, don't allow input directly into a numeric data type but a string. Loop through the input character by character to determine if it's numeric-only or begins negative (-). Here's one attempt:

string str_money;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "How many dollars do you have to spend (-1 to exit)? $";

cin %26gt;%26gt; str_money;

int money_validation_flag = 1; // assume it's valid input until proven otherwise

int money_length = str_money.length(); // determine the input length

if (money_length == 0) money_validation_flag = 0;

else if (money_length == 1 %26amp;%26amp; !isdigit(str_money[0])) money_validation_flag = 0;

else if (!isdigit(str_money[0]) %26amp;%26amp; str_money[0]!='-') money_validation_flag = 0;

else for (int i=1; i%26lt;money_length; i++) if (!isdigit(str_money[i])) money_validation_flag = 0;

if (!money_validation_flag) cout %26lt;%26lt; "Dollar input validation problem with " %26lt;%26lt; str_money;

This version only looks for a positive integer or a negative number, not specifically -1. You can add that functionality after you convert to int (with atoi?). Also, you could recode this as a switch statement based on the length and it might look a bit cleaner.

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