Friday, July 31, 2009

Need more help with c++ program?

ok i wrote an encryption program that reads in letters and prints out numbers and it works, but it doesnt work right

heres what i have:

int option;

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Enter 1 to encrypt, 2 to decrypt, 3 to quit"%26lt;%26lt;endl;


while (option!=3){

if (option==1) cout%26lt;%26lt;"Enter a message to encrypt (! to quit)"%26lt;%26lt;endl;

char letter;


while (letter!='!'){

if (letter='k') cout%26lt;%26lt;"1 ";

then 26 more ifs for each other letter




for some reason it keeps printing out all of the numbers for each letter i enter

im not sure how to do it right

Need more help with c++ program?
you are doing an assignment in your if instead of a comparison.

if (letter='k') cout%26lt;%26lt;"1 ";

Should be

if (letter=='k') cout%26lt;%26lt;"1 ";
Reply:From your program:

if (letter='k') cout%26lt;%26lt;"1 ";

You need:

if (letter=='k') cout%26lt;%26lt;"1 ";

One '=' sets letter to 'k'

There's a better way of doing this.... Since you're converting a-z to 1-26 you can subtract 'a' from each character:

letter -= 'a' + 1;

Of course, if it's a capital letter you want to do:

letter -= 'A' + 1;
Reply:I used to have a similar problem until I started using switch case structures.

So, instead of all the if statements use a switch case structure with a number for each letter.

Note: In the first cout%26lt;%26lt; it is wise to notify the user that using ! will end the encryption loop.

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